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JBサービス株式会社 個人情報保護管理者 E-mail : jbs_privacy@jbsvc.co.jp


当社が取り扱う個人情報に関しての利用目的の通知、開示、内容の訂正 、追加又は削除、利用の停止、消去及び第三者への提供の停止をご請求の場合は、下記お問い合わせ先までご連絡下さい。 なお、本手続きにあたり、ご本人確認をさせていただく場合があります。
104-0028東京都中央区八重洲二丁目2番1号 東京ミッドタウン八重洲 八重洲セントラルタワー13階
JBサービス株式会社 個人情報問合せ窓口   E-mail : jbs_privacy@jbsvc.co.jp




JBCCホールディングス株式会社 https://www.jbcchd.co.jp/corporate/outline.html









JBアドバンスト・テクノロジー株式会社 https://www.jbat.co.jp/corporate/profile.html
JBパートナーソリューション株式会社 https://www.jbps.co.jp/corporate/
C&Cビジネスサービス株式会社 https://www.ccbs.co.jp/company/profile.html

※2 第三者には、第三者のグループ会社(親会社・子会社・関連会社等)を含み、外国に本社を有する事業体が含まれることがあるものとします。

なお、当社の個人情報保護方針については、次のURLよりご確認ください。 https://www.jbsvc.co.jp/privacy.html

Japanese | English

Handling of Personal Information

JB Service Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") strives to manage and protect as much as possible the personal information provided to the Company in the following cases: (1) Inquiries to the Company; (2) Applications for seminars; (3) Downloading of materials; (4) Applications for information distribution such as e-mail magazines; (5) Orders and registrations for information of use on the website; (6) Answers to questionnaires and applications for prizes and campaigns; and (7) other service consultation and request for diagnosis.

If you confirm and agree to the following articles, you can make the above inquiries and applications. Please click the "Agree" box and proceed to the entry form.

1. Purposes of use of personal information

The provided personal information shall be used as follows according to the purpose of each provision, and no other use shall be made.

(1) Case of inquiries

Sending of requested materials, answers to inquiries, trend surveys on websites, and questionnaire surveys and statistical processing, and development and quality improvement of products and services.

(2) Case of application for seminars

Operation of seminars, follow-up, provision of information on products, services, seminars and events, trend surveys on websites, and questionnaire surveys and statistical processing, development and quality improvement of products and services, and provision to the operating company of this website and to companies as organizers, co-organizers, sponsors, or exhibitors of the seminars.

(3) Case of downloading materials

Provision of information on products, services, seminars and events, trend surveys on websites, and questionnaire surveys and statistical processing, and provision to the operating company of this website, and to manufacturers, sellers and service providers of the products contained in downloaded materials.

(4) Application for information distribution such as e-mail magazines, etc.

Information distribution such as e-mail magazines, provision of information on products, services, seminars, and events, trend surveys on websites, and questionnaire surveys and statistical processing, development and quality improvement of products and services, and provision to the operating company of this website and to manufacturers, sellers of products contained in e-mail magazines, and service providers.

(5) Case of orders and registration of information of use on this website

Provision of the ordered products and services, exercise of other rights and fulfillment of other obligations, provision of information on products, services, seminars and events, trend surveys on websites, and questionnaire surveys and statistical processing, development and quality improvement of products and services, confirmation of appropriate use of the products and services, identification of problems in the event of failure, and provision to the operating company, manufacturers and sellers of the products, service providers, and payment agency.

(6) Case of answer to questionnaires and applications for prizes and campaigns, etc.

Provision of information on products, services, seminars and events, trend surveys on websites, and questionnaire surveys and statistical processing, development and quality improvement of products and services, contact to applicants, lottery and delivery of prizes, provision of information on prizes and campaigns, and provision to the organizer of the prizes and campaigns when such prizes and campaigns are held by third parties other than the Company.

(7) Case of other service consultation and request for diagnosis

Answers to requests for consultations and diagnoses, provision of services, provision of information on other products, services, seminars and events, trend surveys on websites, and questionnaire surveys and statistical processing, development and quality improvement of products and services, and provision to the operating company of this website and other service providers.

2. Joint use of personal information

The provided personal information will be jointly used between JBCC Group companies (*1) including the Company, within the scope of the purposes of use described in Article 1 above. The party responsible for managing personal information to be jointly used is the Company.

3. Appropriate management of personal information

We will strictly and appropriately manage the provided personal information, and strive to protect it against the risks of unauthorized access, loss, destruction, leakage, and alteration, etc.

4. Entrustment of personal information

The handling of the provided personal information may be entrusted in whole or in part to a third party. In such a case, we will conduct a rigorous investigation of the third party and supervise the third party concerned in a necessary and appropriate manner so as to ensure the security management of the entrusted personal information.

5. Provision of personal information to third parties (*2)

(1) For the purpose described in Article 1 above, the provided personal information may be provided to the organizers, co-organizers, sponsors, and exhibitors of the seminars, to the manufacturers and sellers of products and services provider whose products or service contain downloaded materials or e-mail magazines or are ordered, to the operating company of this website, to the organizers of prizes and campaigns which is organized by third parties other than the Company, or to other service providers, by means of data communication, sending documents or media, or personal delivery.

(2) The credit card information provided by customers shall be handled as follows:

1) Purpose of use: To pay for products and services purchased by customers

2) Acquirer Name: JB Service Corporation

3) Recipient Name: Credit Card Payment Agency

4) Storage Periods: After providing the information to the above-mentioned recipients, the Company will not hold any customers' credit card information.

6. Voluntary of provision of personal information

Whether or not to provide personal information to the Company is in your sole discretion, and you may refuse to provide personal information. However, in case you refuse to provide personal information, please note in advance that there may be cases that you cannot (i) receive answers to inquiries to the Company, (ii) participate in seminars, (iii) download materials, (iv) receive e-mail magazines and other information, (v) use or pay for the ordered products and services, (vi) receive information regarding prizes and campaign contact to the applicants or receive prizes, (vii) receive answers to requests for other services etc., and that there may be other services or information which may could be provided only to the customers who provided personal information.

7. Personal Information Protection Manager

JB Service Corporation Personal Information Manager E-mail: jbs_privacy@jbsvc.co.jp

8. Disclosure etc. of personal information

If you request notice and disclosure of the purpose of use of the personal information handled by the Company, correcting, adding, or deleting the content of such personal information, suspending the use, deleting such personal information or suspending provision of such personal information to a third party, please contact the following address. Please note that identity confirmation may be required for this procedure.

2-2-1, Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0028 Japan

Personal Information Inquiry Desk of JB Service Corporation

E-mail: jbs_privacy@jbsvc.co.jp

9. Acquisition of personal information by a method which is not easily recognizable to you

"Cookie" may be sent from this website to your computers when accessing this website. Cookie, which is small files containing text information, identifies each customer's browsers in. Personal information (information such as name, telephone number, e-mail address, and address) of customers is not included in the Cookie that may be set up on this website.

10. Governing law, jurisdiction and effect of English translations

The Japanese version of this Handling of Information Policy shall be the official text. Even if an English translation of this Handling of Information Policy is prepared for reference, only the original Japanese version shall have effect, and no effect shall be given to the English translation. The construction and application of this Handling of Information Policy shall be governed by the laws of Japan. Any litigation or other dispute arising in connection therewith shall be finally settled by procedure in which the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court is the agreed exclusive jurisdictional court of first instance and Japanese shall be used.

*1 "JBCC Group" refers to the following companies:

JBCC Holdings Inc. https://www.jbcchd.co.jp/english/outline/
JBCC Corporation https://www.jbcc.co.jp/corporate/outline/
JB Service Corporation https://www.jbsvc.co.jp/corporate/outline/profile.html
Central Information Systems Co., Ltd. https://www.cisjp.com/corporate/outline/
SOLNET Corporation https://www.solnet-dot.com/corporate/outline/
JB Advanced Technology Corporation https://www.jbat.co.jp/corporate/profile.html
JB Partner Solution Corporation https://www.jbps.co.jp/corporate/
C&C Business Service Corporation https://www.ccbs.co.jp/company/profile.html

*2 Third parties shall include group companies (parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, etc.) of third parties and may include entities with headquarters overseas.

Please refer to the following URL for The Company's Privacy Policy.
